7 Wonders Leaders
Naam 7 Wonders Leaders
  • Ancient
  • Card Game
  • Civilization
  • Expansion for Base-game
  • City Building
40 minuten
13% Complete
Aantal spelers
Leeftijd 10
Uitgegeven in 2011
Type Uitbreiding
Laagste basisprijs ooit €11,00
Hoogste basisprijs ooit €26,25
Winkel Voorraad Basisprijs NL Prijs NL incl BE Prijs BE incl
Reuzespelplezier €18,00 €7,00 €25,00 €3,50 €21,50
Spelgezel €20,00 €6,95 €26,95 €2,99 €22,99
Spellenhuis €24,95 €4,95 €29,90 €8,95 €33,90
The-mastermind €22,00 €10,49 €32,49 €5,99 €27,99
Summoner €25,95 €7,25 €33,20 €7,25 €33,20
Spelhuis €13,99 €4,95 €18,94 €4,95 €18,94
Spelonk €17,50 €4,99 €22,49 €4,99 €22,49
Adriaensen-speciaalzaak €18,00 €5,00 €23,00 €5,00 €23,00
DeSpellentrein €19,49 €3,99 €23,48 €5,95 €25,44
CrowdFinder €17,00 €7,49 €24,49 €3,99 €20,99
DeSpelacademie €20,89 €4,50 €25,39 €4,50 €25,39
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Spellenhuis €20,95 €4,95 €25,90 €8,95 €29,90
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Good look gamer €19,99 €6,50 €26,49 €9,00 €28,99
Spellenwinkel €22,95 €3,95 €26,90 €3,95 €26,90
Spellenwinkel €22,95 €3,95 €26,90 €3,95 €26,90
Outpost Gamecenters €19,99 €6,95 €26,94 €6,00 €25,99
Spelgezel €20,00 €6,95 €26,95 €2,99 €22,99
Lotana €20,00 €6,95 €26,95 €4,95 €24,95
Spelonk €22,00 €4,99 €26,99 €4,99 €26,99
Sheepgames €21,00 €8,20 €29,20 €5,00 €26,00
Spelshop €25,00 €8,00 €33,00 €6,00 €31,00
link naar boardgamegeek http://www.boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/92539
  • Asmodee
  • Asterion Press
  • Galápagos Jogos
  • Gém Klub Kft.
  • Lautapelit.fi
  • REBEL.pl
  • Repos Production
7 Wonders: Leaders adds 42 new cards to the base game of 7 Wonders, comprising four new guilds, one new wonder card, and 36 (+1 blank) white "Leader" cards. At the start of the game, each player takes a hand of four leaders and may play one at the start of each of the three Ages. Unlike the standard cards, leaders cost money (not resources). The expansion comes with a new Wonder—the ancient city of Rome—and contains 6-gold tokens made of cardboard for more efficient money-management.
link naar Speldatabase https://www.spellenlab.be/
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